Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Seagull’s Love

The mouth, where ocean meets river. Building a recreation center in that peaceful place, poeple began digging out the sand. As the trucks, took the sand away, the seagulls were full of sadness. Because of human selfishness, many seagulls lost their nests. On top of that, it was breeding season!

They had no choice but to lay their eggs right on top of the pile of sand. One day during the monsoon season the seagulls didn’t realize that the level of sand had decreased by the work. All the eggs that were laid on the sand were either flooded or swept away…. And in the corner of the beach, there were 6 new hatchlings crouching in fear. They had not yet learned to fly, let alone swim…and soon the strong waves brought the water up to their breast level. Right at that moment, the mother seagull noticed a wooden plank in the water. The mother seagull started pushing the plank with her beak toward her babies. It was extremely difficult to push the plank against the current of the water, but she gave it her all.

When she finally got the plank to her babies, her beak was bleeding. Nevertheless, she put her babies on the plank to take them to a safer area. Right at that moment, a huge wave flipped the plank over, throwing all the chicks into the water. The mother seagull tried to save her chicks, but to no avail. Some time later, the mother seagull sat staring at the empty plank. As if she were saying her last good-byes to her chicks she couldn’t save, her eyes were filled with grief.

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